Practical information about the Vasa Museum for tour operators and the tourism industry.
Mathias Andersson
Head of Marketing
Phone: +46-8-519 548 79
Email: mathias.andersson@smtm.se
Booking Office
Open Monday to Friday. Telephone hours 10 - 12 and 13 - 15.
Email: bokningen@vasamuseet.se
Telephone: +46-8-519 548 70
Opening hours
Daily June - August 08.30 - 18
Daily September - May 10 - 17 (Wednesdays until 20)
24 December CLOSED
25 December CLOSED
31 December 10 - 15
1 January 10 - 17
Guided tours
Open guided tours is for individual visitors only. Groups larger than 10 persons can book a private guided tour at a cost of 1,200 SEK for up to 30 people. There is also entrance fee in addition to the cost of the tour.
Email your booking request to: bokningen@vasamuseet.se
Daily June - August 9 - 17:30
Daily September - May 10 - 16
24 December CLOSED
25 December CLOSED
31 December 10 - 14:30